Illustrated by the incredible Abigail Dela Cruz (see more of her work here)
It’s kind of a funny feeling to see someone else’s rendition of characters that have, up until recently, existed solely in my head. On the one hand, they’re never going to look exactly how I pictured them, but on the other hand, for the first time… they’re real. They aren’t figments of my imagination anymore, and starting today, Emmy and Abigail out in the big wide world.
And the coolest part is, I think they’re ready!
Just look at them! See how happy they look? How lively and friendly and excited? How confident? How proud? Can’t you feel how much fun they’re having? How strong their friendship is? Don’t you want to hear their story?
So as of today, Emmy and Abigail no longer belong to just me. Now they are yours, and I hope you love them as much as I do.